Monday, December 21, 2009

The Longest Night of the Year

Tonight darkness will fall early and stay late. Time best spent reveling in the darkness. In the in-between places.

Enjoying the cover of night that brings lovers together, knowing that dawn will be held back.

It is a perfect night to while away the hours. Slowly unpeeling layer after layer – until each is revealed, shameless, vulnerable and naked.

Drifting in the darkness, caresses flickering as the candlelight cast pools of shadow.

Moments pile against moments – the slow long kiss that begins chastely and moves to demanding, devouring breath.

Hands, familiar and knowing, seek the tender places. Places of delight and ecstasy. There is no rush – dawn is very far away.

We rush to the finish, then back away, delaying yet again our fulfillment. Knowing as we do that each retreat moves us that much further to the ultimate surrender of self.

…and we have all night for the journey.


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