Tuesday, December 22, 2009

The Kiss

Kissing is an art.

It is the opening act.

I remember, with gentle amusement, my first kiss. It was a sloppy, open mouth, face devouring, kiss. The kind that strips your makeup off (it was the 80’s and we were young) and made you wonder why people liked kissing.

Luckily – later attempts were better. But it was years before I experienced a transcendent kiss – and that was a kiss! An open door, that when walked through, took me to lands of desire and bliss.

In that kiss I realized all of the dreams of what a kiss should be. How it warms you, sending tendrils of longing through your body. A good kiss pulls you in allowing you to leave the world behind. Narrows your focus and builds – moment upon moment – on itself.

I had a lover who I adored kissing. Our kisses would start out gently – tentative – almost chaste. Then move to demanding. Our bodies rippling together as our lips and tongue danced.

The interesting thing was, when I mentioned to him, how much I adored kissing him, he told me that I had a funny way of kissing. I didn’t open to him soon enough – I believe was the message – I kept him tantalized but not satisfied.

Why am I not sorry?
(Too bad I can’t show you the wicked grin or the raised eye brow this memory brings.)

A kiss, like a touch, begins things. There are as many different ways to kiss as there are combinations of people and moods. Sometimes I bite, sometimes I play with my tongue against their teeth, sometimes I devour drinking in their lips and tongue.

And sometimes…I kiss the corner of their mouth, feather my lips across theirs and then wait. Stroking the embers of a fire that started with a look or a touch and waiting to see where my lover will take me.



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