Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Aaaa Chooooo!

If I thought writing sex or about sex was hard when I wasn’t dating… it is miserable trying to write sex when I’m sick.

It started with allergies, then a cold, and this morning stomach flu.

I might as well put myself back in bed and forget about today. No one wants to be around someone oozing from every pore. I feel horrid and obscenely biological and not at all sexy.

Who can feel sexy when they feel like this?

I can’t imagine kissing me… and I really can’t expect anyone to. There is nothing romantic about illness, unless you’re in an opera. I never understood how the soprano’s died of Tuberculosis – which destroys your lungs – and sing those amazing arias right up to the moment they kick the bucket.

Yes, it would be nice if the world was more like opera or a Nora Ephron movie. Oh, to look as good as Meg Ryan in that scene from You’ve Got Mail when Tom Hanks visits her and she has a cold.

But it isn’t, and I look like death warmed over and feel even worse.

…and I’m running out of tissues.

Licks! (oooh ick!)

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