Monday, August 23, 2010


The 3-Day Novel Contest is almost upon us.

Last year was the first year I participated and it was one of the most amazing experiences of my creative life. I’m wise enough to know that this year will be different – but I still want to try. Get the house clean, the kitchen stocked, and get ready to hunker down and write for 72 hours and produce a novel.

But before I can do that… I need to finish the final draft of the new short story – pleasure, pain, torment, women in leather, and a very bad man. And get a first draft of the rewrite of The Turquoise Box – which has taken on a life of its own and is making me worried.

Oh, and research… must get research for the 3-Day Novel story…. Sigh!

11 day 9 hours 50 minutes and counting…


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