Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Ex – Experiments

It seemed like a good idea at the time.

Aren’t those just nine of the worst words in the English language? Sigh!

Let me state for the record that I’m not good at being friends with ex-lovers. It takes a lot of work and sometimes it simply isn’t possible.

I also like to separate my romantic life from my work life.

Okay – you can start laughing now. I know, I know, I write about sex, talk about sex, and sex is my job. But, grow up, just because I talk about sex with you doesn’t mean I want to have sex with you.

If I want to have sex with you… trust me you’d know.

But back to my story.

Last year a friend and I had a long discussion about whether we could be friends with our ex-lovers. Neither of us have a history of this and the few women we knew who did this tended to beat themselves up when the ex became someone else’s lover. I’ve never really thought about the fact that I just end things and move on.

So the question became, was there value in reconnecting with an ex?

(Sorry that sounds so Sex in the City…. Forgive me)

A few days later, curled up with a cocktail and my cell phone I decided to give it a try. I sent a text to several ex’s and waited to see what happened. There were a whopping three that I had kept phone numbers for so not exactly a huge sample size. Like I mentioned I tend not to keep in touch. 
  • One had a happy ending – I got the apology and the closure that I never got before. Oh, how good that would have felt four years ago.
  • One had a yo-yo ending – it went something like this: Let’s be friend, I can’t be friends, Let’s be friends, I can’t be friends…
  • One created an interlude – we reconnected for awhile
On the whole, not a bad experiment, but then I left out the crazies, the stalkers, and the pathetic-sex-guys. Except my yo-yo. Him I’m having issues with… but apparently this is my fault.


I opened a door and assumptions were made about why I opened it. The fact that it was just an experiment was known only to me. Men are really simple creatures… at least most of them…. Or so I’m told.

So, here is me closing the door… and moving on.


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