Thursday, July 8, 2010

Sex and the Single Vampire


I’ve spent the better part of the last month reading all the paranormal and urban fantasy I can get my hands on. Which is a lot. And I have to say… wow!

Some of it is soooo ummy.

However, you will hear nothing but dislike for shiny sparkly vampires – so don’t get me started. I also wonder at the lack of depth of the sex scenes in the first Sookie books – but then I have very high standards. For sex – and for stories of things that go bump in the night.

I have a dirty little secret.

I love horror flicks. And ghost stories. Early Stephen King. And M. R. James.

When I was younger, I broke my collarbone and ended up in a brace all summer. No swimming, no camp, no nothing for the gimp girl. So I did what any self respecting future writer does – I read.

…and read, and read.

Everything there was in the library that was about things that go bump in the night. Eventually this lead to many sleepless nights as I imagined all sorts of things in my room and beyond. Oh, but it was worth it.

Somehow sex and horror mix well.

But I was talking about sex and vampires… and yes, I did finally find a book that met my criteria.

1) not about teenagers
2) good sex scenes and
3) fun, exciting, engaging plot.

Also the main character Cat doesn’t act like a pushover, neurotic, wimp. She has her moments and I do feel in the third and fourth book there is too much reliance on her mental foibles for plot movement – but I forgive Jeaniene Frost because in the end I never felt cheated or disappointed.

Oh, and then there is Bones.

So if you are looking for something with sex, knives, and non-sparkly vampires give –

And yes, I put them in order left to right!!!


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