Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Mourning the Loss of the Strong Silent Type

I went out last night.

I went out like I do, dressed up (okay this is Portland so it is a relative term), on my own happily wandering the bars and clubs of my favorite city.

It was a Monday night so the music was good but the pickings were slim. And once again I was picked up by that new flavor of man – the sensitive-new-age-guy. Okay I admit it, I live in Portland one expects to run up against them every once in awhile, but what happened to the strong silent type?

I want a manly man!

Okay, so I want a manly man who knows the word feelings but not all the words to the song. Please, you’ve only just met me spare me what your therapist said and a rundown of the latest self help book you are reading. Those are right up there with ranting about your ex and how she screwed you.

Maybe I’m not ready to date yet.

I just want someone to buy me a drink and talk about the weather, or sports I don’t follow, or whatever their passion of the moment is. So long as the topic is a thing and not a feeling. Hell – we can talk about sex just stick to the facts and don’t tell me how it felt.

Is there something about me that engenders these conversations?

Maybe I should ask my former lovers and find out if there is something I am doing, a vibe that I am throwing out there, that leads to these awkward conversations.

That is interesting… the conversations aren’t awkward. One of my greatest gifts, so I’ve been told, is acceptance. I accept everyone for who they are – no judgment. Maybe my own tolerance for the human condition leaves me vulnerable to these situations.

It’s a thought.

But… please could I get a mix from now on? I’ll take the sensitive ones if I can also talk to the other flavors as well.

I like variety after all.


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