Monday, December 3, 2012

Ass (firmly) Back in Chair

There is nothing like an unintentional hiatus.

I really didn’t mean to be gone so long, but the new day job ate me up and spit me out. I’ve been slowly coming up for air – nudging a few stories to see if they were still alive but mostly hiding under the blankets conserving my energies for the next day of work.

Then I got a huge dose of adrenalin.

An erotic fantasy short I wrote several months ago was accepted for publication. There are still hoops to jump so I won’t say any more until everything is signed, sealed, and a publication date on the horizon. It was the first new story I’d written with all my newly gained macro and micro story structure.

Thank you Larry Brooks and Randy Ingermansom, my wonderful critique partner and my 11th hour editor!!!  

Of course I woke up this morning crazily motivated – and succeeded in doing more damage to my person than writing (thank god the knife was dull and slid around the tougher tissue of the vein – really didn’t think I could inflict so much bodily harm while loading the dishwasher) but the darkness is past and I’m here, ass in chair, writing.

Mostly writing thank yous to all the people who have helped me over the past several months stay sane, and making the first unsteady steps on my next project.

I truly believe – “Writers Write”

Funny the things that can get in the way of that even when you know the best thing for moving forward is simply getting your ass in the chair. I used to be good at getting my ass in my chair, but then there were health issues – I wrote through several years of them but I wasn’t writing well – then the wrong job – then the right job with a rather steep learning curve – and here we are.

Gotta get back to the new project, ass firmly back in chair.



Friday, September 14, 2012

It's been awhile...

Hello out there...

Sometimes when I write a blog I feel like I'm sending my voice out into a dark empty cavern or deep space where "no one can hear you scream".

I went away to write a novel - and the novel swallowed me whole and spit me out a wiser woman than the one who blithely thought she knew what she was doing. I didn't. Novels are not short stories, or blog posts, and it took me awhile to figure out the structure. Thank goodness for all the resources not only at RWA and Rose City Romance Writers but though out the web (I'll confess more later).

They were great, but my learning curve was a bit of a bitch.

So I'm back - sent out my first new short story in ages to be rejected, or not. And I'm thinking about sex, stories, and sirens these days. Trying to get back into the writing/blogging/researching mode and I have no idea what will happen next - but where would be the fun if we knew.

~ Emma